
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Agua de Rosas

Cuando escribí sobre el anuncio de Chanel n°5 aquí no pensaba en encontrar en el super el Gel detergente y el tónico al Agua de Rosas de la casa farmacéutica H.Roberts de Florencia. He sido incapaz de encontrar la pagina web, y quien sabe si se vende fuera de Italia, espero vivamente que así sea por que es fantástico.

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When I wrote about the ad for Chanel No. 5 here I did not think to find in the supermarket the cleansing gel and the tonic Rose Water from the pharmaceutical company H. Roberts of Florence. I have been unable to find the site, and who knows if it is sold outside of Italy, I hope it so strongly because it's fantastic.

Más tarde leí este truco: Lavarse la cara dos veces. No sólo lavarse la cara mañana y noche, que también hay que hacerlo, no. Dos veces por la noche. ¿Por qué? Porqué con la primera te desmaquillas, y con la segunda, además de eliminar el maquillaje que podía quedar, eliminas las impurezas.

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Later I read this tip: Wash your face twice. Not only wash your face morning and night, that you also have to do, no. Twice a night. Why? Because with the first remove your make up you and with the second, in addition to removing makeup that could remain, you remove the impurities.

Bien, deciros que funciona. No sé si es por el Agua de Rosas, porqué me recuerda a mi abuela, por el lavarme la cara dos veces o porqué hay una conjunción planetaria que mejora mi piel, pero yo he notado el cambio. Siempre he tenido la piel grasa en la famosa zona T, la famosa piel mixta (más mona ella...). Tengo pocas arrugas a pesar de mis casi 40 (¡¡ole la genetica!!), pero siempre he tenido los tipicos granitos pre-menstruacion. Bien, desde hace 2 meses, que es desde cuando utilizo el metodo "double-clean" (yo lo llamo así), no he tenido ningún granito, la piel de las mejillas no me tira después de lavarme la cara y tengo la piel en general más luminosa. Que vaya a ser este el truco...

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Well, say that it works. I do not know if it's the Rose Water, because it reminds me my grandmother, for washing my face twice or because there is a planetary alignment that improves my skin, but I have noticed the change. I've always had oily skin in the famous T zone, the famous mixed skin ( cutest ...). I have not many wrinkles in spite of my almost 40 (ole genetics!), But I always had the typical pre-menstruation pimples. Well, for 2 months, which is from when I use the method "double-clean" (I call it like), I had no pimples the skin of my cheeks doesn't strip after I wash my face and I have the skin in general more luminous. May will this be the trick ...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Paper lantern!! {from the web}

Todos conocemos las lamparas de papel, muchos de nosotros la hemos tenido en alguna habitacion de nuestra casa, pero dan esa imagen de anonimato, de provisionalidad

He encontrado varios proyectos para hacer con las famosas lamparas, os pongo solo las fotos por que son muy explicativas. Basicamente necesitais una lampara de papel del tamaño que querais, una pistola de silicona y un poco de paciencia.

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Everybody knows the paper lanterns, many of us have had one in any room of our house, but they give that image of anonymity, of provisionality.

I have found several projects to do with the famous lamps, I put you only photos because are self explanatory. Basically you need a lamp of paper the size you want, a glue gun and some patience.

Con moldes de madalenas / With cupcakes

via Veetje

Con tiras de papel / With paper strips





Con un mapa / With a map


Con flores de papel y pom pom / Whith paper flowers & pom pom



Friday, October 7, 2011

Someone like you

I'm in love with her voice and her piano.

I heard that you're settled down,
That you found a girl and you're married now,
I heard that your dreams came true,
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you,
Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light,

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,
I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,

Never mind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah,

You know how the time flies,
Only yesterday was the time of our lives,
We were born and raised in a summer haze,
Bound by the surprise of our glory days,

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,
I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,

Never mind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"

Nothing compares,
No worries or cares,
Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made,
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Messy side ponytail {from the web}

Ya conoceis mi obsesion por el pelo largo, sobretodo por el mio. 

Hace algun tiempo había "postado" (del verbo postar ^___^) un peinado desde el blog de Joanna Goddard y hoy os dejo otro ejemplo.

Me gusta por que es sencillo de hacer y aunque yo tenga que esperar al menos un par de años para poderme permitir una cosa parecida no quiere decir que las melenudas que lean mi blog no puedan utilizar sus trucos.

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You know my obsession with long hair, especially by the mine.

Some time ago, I posted a hairstyle from Joanna Goddard's blog and today I leave you another example.

I like it because it is simple to do and although I have to wait at least a couple of years to could allow something like that does not mean that the hairy who read my blog can not use their tips.

1. Hacerlo con el pelo de un día... lo que significa que ha pasado un día desde que lo has lavado. (Si debes lavar el pelo, luego puedes utilizar un spray para dar volumen. Y si tu cabello es graso, usa un champú seco para construir el cuerpo y la textura). Ahora hazte una raya lateral, puedes usar un peine con una pua metalica para obtener una raya recta.
2. Cardar el ultimo cuarto de la parte alta del pelo. Basicamente debes cepillar el pelo hacia abajo hasta que quede de pie por si mismo.

3. Cepilla suavemente una capa de tu cabello para que sea suave en la parte superior. El cardado se debe ocultar debajo de esta capa. Ten en cuenta que no debes cepillarlo demasiado liso, lo que se desea es un efecto desordenado
4. Recoge toda la seccion del cardado y fijalo en la parte de atras de la cabeza con algunas horquillas formando una "X"

5. Recoge todo el pelo en una cola baja. Apretar la goma de pelo al maximo, esto te ayuda a "empujar" el pelo hacia arriba creando más volumen en la parte superior.
5. Puedes dejar la goma expuesta o ocultarla cogiendo un mechon de pelo de la cola y envolviendolo alrededor de la goma fijandolo con una horquilla.
6. Despeina la cola con los dedos para que se parezca a la de la parte superior de la cabeza haciendo el mismo movimiento de abajo a rriba. Recuerda, este peinado no busca la perfección, se ve mejor un poco despeinado.

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1. Start with day-old hair...meaning it's been a day since you've washed it. (If you must wash your hair, then use a volumizing spray to add oomf; and if your hair is oily, use a  French dry shampoo to build body and texture.) Now make a deep side part on one side of your hair. You can use a rat-tail comb to get an extra straight part.

2. Backcomb the top quarter of your hair. Basically, brush the hair downwards toward your scalp so it's sort of frizzy and can stand on its own.

3. Gently brush the very top layer of your hair to make it smooth on the top. That way, all the backcombing will be hidden under the layer that you brushed. Still, don't brush too much, you want it a little messy.

4. Take the entire backcombed section and pin it behind your head. To make it secure, place the bobby pins in an "X."

5. Now take all your hair and put it in a low ponytail at the nape of your neck. Tighten the rubber band as tight as you can. This will help "push" your hair up, creating more volume at the top.

5. You can either leave the rubber band exposed, or hide it by taking a small half-inch section of hair from the ponytail and wrapping it around the rubber band. Take a small bobby pin and pin the hair to the rubber band.

6. Rough up the ponytail with your fingers to match the texture at the top of your hair. Use the same motion as you did to back comb, but use your fingers instead, since this will create a messy texture but will be softer and gentler than using a comb. Remember, this look isn't about perfection; it looks best slightly messy.

(Photos by Jamie Beck. Caroline's lip color is Covergirl Outlast Lipstain in Plum Pout.)
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